High School

As a school rooted in the Christian tradition, we teach every class from a truthful perspective.
We learn about God’s order in Mathematics and Science, and His beauty in Art.
We see God’s faithfulness in History, and learn about keeping our body as a temple in Physical Education.
Are we a college prep school? Absolutely!
But BCCI is much more than that. Whether you want to prepare for college or seek to join a trade or other career, the BCCI community will help you grow, learn, and be confident in yourself and your abilities.

High School Curriculum (Grade 9-12)
Report cards will be issued at trimester intervals and are designed to provide parents/guardians with information to assist the student’s learning. The report card provides information about a student’s learning in each subject area. Teachers may also indicate whether or not the student is working to his/her potential. Report cards are released approximately one week after the conclusion of each trimester. Administration reserves the right to withhold grades and report cards until all fees, fines and commitments are paid and/or met.
In our vision of a Christ-centered learning community on the restoration of God’s world, there will be opportunities to disciple or discipline our students because our community has standards and rules. One of the main tools that God uses to discipline us is the authority He places over us. In the case of the school, that will be teachers and administrators. Because our desire is that students develop self-discipline, we try to have as few rules as possible, but the following rules will be the standard of BCC.
Inherent in any school’s code of conduct is the necessity and the right of the school administration to provide interpretation of that code. No code, no matter how carefully written, can cover all situations. Therefore, the administration using their best judgement has the ultimate decision for interpretation and application of this code. The spirit of modesty, integrity, honesty, safety and a focus on a Christian academic environment will always take precedence over a written policy or procedure where there is any question of interpretation.
All school rules apply to all school-sponsored events, even those activities occurring off-campus.
BCC students are expected to behave in a manner that demonstrates they recognize they belong to Jesus Christ and desire to live a life that honors His name. Students are expected to:
• Be prompt and prepared for each class.
• Respect others including students, faculty, and staff.
• Make good use of their time and abilities.
• Respect the space and property of others.
• Use language to build up others and glorify God.
• Observe the rules and standards of teachers and staff members.
Learning is the focus of an effective school program. Therefore, purposeful disruptions of the teaching/learning process or an individual’s right to an education will not be allowed and will be cause for disciplinary action. The following standards and measures are outlined so students may know what is expected while attending BCC.
• Students are not permitted to leave the assigned classroom, except for specific business.
• Students are expected to be in the classroom on time.
• Students reporting to the school office must have a pass obtained from their classroom teacher.
• Students are expected to be honest in all their actions and words. Students should complete all assignments, papers, and tests from their own knowledge or, when appropriate, give credit to sources of information. Academic dishonesty, i.e. Cheating, Plagiarism, etc., will be disciplined. Students may be given the opportunity to redo the assignment. Further action may be taken by the administration as warranted by the specific situation.
• Students are expected to be courteous and appropriately dressed at all assemblies, athletic events, evening programs and field trips. The school reserves the right to determine what dress is appropriate for field trips, programs, etc. Teachers who are responsible for groups attending a school function will remain with their group throughout the program.
• Public displays of affection (such as: kissing, hugging) are considered inappropriate at school and at school-related activities.
• Matches and/or lighters serve no appropriate purpose for students in school and will be confiscated.
• Students are not to participate in games of chance or activities that involve gambling or the use of gambling paraphernalia.
• Lockers are the property of the school and made available to students for their use. Students are advised not to leave valuable or unidentified possessions in unlocked lockers. No pictures identifying alcohol or tobacco products, or suggestive pictures, or other inappropriate symbols, or objects may be displayed on a locker. The administration reserves the right to inspect lockers at any time for any reason.
• We are proud of our building(s) and grounds and work hard to keep them clean. The appearance of a building makes an important statement to the community.
• Students arriving to school late or returning to school need to check in at the school office immediately upon arrival.